Monthly Archives: April 2015

Wordsmith Wednesday – Artisan


An artisan (from French: artisan, Italian: artigiano) is a skilled craft worker who makes or creates things by hand that may be functional or strictly decorative, for example furniture, decorative arts, sculptures, clothing, jewellery, household items and tools or even mechanical mechanisms such as the handmade clockwork movement of a watchmaker. Artisans practice a craft and may through experience and aptitude reach the expressive levels of an artist.

During the Middle Ages, the term “artisan” was applied to those who made things or provided services. It did not apply to unskilled manual labourers. Artisans were divided into two distinct groups: those who operated their own businesses and those who did not. Those who owned their businesses were called masters, while the latter were the journeymen and apprentices. One misunderstanding many people have about this social group is that they picture them as “workers” in the modern sense: employed by someone. The most influential group among the artisans were the masters, the business owners. The owners enjoyed a higher social status in their communities.

many thanks to Wikipaedia for the above.

Walking with Wordsworth



I had a FANTASTIC weekend! Did you?

I went to the Lake District,Cumbria with four girl friends. We’ve been weekending twice a year for eighteen years as a group. We’ve seen marriages, lovers, losses, divorce, grand children, tears, laughter, chocolate and much wine. I love them all and love our girly weekends.

This time we stayed in Keswick where we shopped in the rain.(always a shopping opportunity!) We walked along the shores of Derwentwater in sunshine and hail! We explored Grasmere discovering William Shakespeare’s grave -you know the guy! The poet of “wondering lonely as a cloud”

For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.

William Wordsworth

imageIn my guise as Granny Lush

I took Lush bath bombs for my friends and I to have  super relaxing baths after hiking through the woods.

I enjoyed a yellow bath using a bomb called “Honey Bee”. Lush describe it as “sweet, soothing and cleansing” and it certainly was that. Yummmmmm. Such a treat.

WordPress Wednesday- Warp and Weft


Warp and Weft are commonly used terms amongst my crafty friends but maybe they are words that other, none crafters, may not know. 

Warp and weft in plain weaving
In weaving cloth, the warp is the set of lengthwise yarns that are held in tension on a frame or loom. The yarn that is inserted over-and-under the warp threads is called the weft, woof, or filler. Each individual warp thread in a fabric is called a warp end or end. Warp means “that which is thrown across” (Old English wearp, from weorpan, to throw, cf. German werfen, Dutch werpen).

Very simple looms use a spiral warp, in which a single, very long yarn is wound around a pair of sticks or beams in a spiral pattern to make up the warp.

Because the warp is held under high tension during the entire process of weaving and warp yarn must be strong, yarn for warp ends is usually spun and plied fibre. Traditional fibres for warping are wool, linen, alpaca, and silk. With the improvements in spinning technology during the Industrial Revolution, it became possible to make cotton yarn of sufficient strength to be used as the warp in mechanized weaving. Later, artificial or man-made fibres such as nylon or rayon were employed.

While most people are familiar with weft-faced weavings, it is possible to create warp-faced weavings using densely arranged warp threads. In warp-faced weavings, the design for the textile is in the warp, and so all colours must be decided upon and placed during the first part of the weaving process and cannot be changed. Warp-faced weavings are defined by length-wise stripes and vertical designs due to the limitations of color placement. Many South American cultures, including the ancient Incas and Aymaras used a type of warp-faced weaving called Backstrap Weaving, which uses the weight of the weaver’s body to control the tension of the loom.

Mary Kurtz Sewing Quote

Something to make you smile😃

Granny Lush


Dearly beloved readers,

Lush Shampoo Bars are FANTASTIC! Because I am an intrepid traveller in my Campervan (AKA Damnvan1) I find these shampoo bars absolutely wonderful. They are sold as a shampoo product but also serve as a body shampoo. One product, multi use. I recommend that you buy the tin as well to prevent the bar getting soggy. I have been away for many weeks, shower and hair every day and the bar has lasted the whole time. Great value for money and perfect product.

These are my current two favourite bars.


This citrusy shampoo bar that promises serious shine. Green olives improve the tensile strength of hair whilst cleansing rosemary absolute, Sicilian lemon oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice make hair gleam from root to tip

Jason and the Argan Oil

On a quest for stronger, shinier, softer hair? Try this argan oil-packed, Rose Jam-scented bar. Argan oil is combined with glycerine to give your hair touchable softness and lustrous shine. From this solid foundation restorative rose absolute and oil balances the scalp making this bar particularly perfect for setting fair hair ablaze with brightness and strength.


Try and enjoy!

love from Granny Lush xxx💃

Vintage Handkerchiefs



Whilst cruising through Pinterest I came across a beautiful quilt made from vintage handkerchiefs. What a good idea! Something new, small and cheap to collect (handkerchiefs not quilts!) I could do this and when I’ve got lots of handkerchiefs perhaps I will make a quilt.

We are currently away in Damnvan1 for the weekend. We arrived in Buxton, Derbyshire yesterday and what a lovely town. It is a Georgean spa town with the most beautiful Pavillion and gardens. There are some good shops and, great joy, LOADS of charity shops. I made one small purchase, an embroidered tray cloth and a vintage handkerchief.


Now I have the start of my collection of handkerchiefs. Only one but its a start!

Forest and Gruffalo


I had a great day out in Delamere Forest yesterday with handsome Grandson.

The Forests of Mara and Mondrem were adjacent medieval forests in Cheshire, England, which in the 11th century extended to over 60 square miles (160 km2), stretching from the Mersey in the north almost to Nantwich in the south, and from the Gowy in the west to the Weaver in the east. Mara and Mondrem were a hunting forest of the Norman Earls of Chester, established soon after 1071 by the first earl, Hugh d’Avranches. They might earlier have been an Anglo-Saxon hunting forest. Game included wild boar, and red, fallow and roe deer. What was left of the original Medieval forest became known as Delamere Forest.

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It it seems amazing to think that Wild Boar and Deer were hunted in this forest nearly 1000 years ago. Today children build dens and throw sticks for dogs, enjoy the fresh air and run happily through the trees. They might even find a Gruffalo. Happy times.

Wordsmith Wednesday-Vintage vs Retro


Vintage vs Retro

There are many definitions of vintage and retro but I think that the following is the simplest.

1) Too old to be considered modern, but not old enough to be considered antique. Often used to describe items for sale online such as ebay auctions or craigslist posts though may also be found in printed listings such as classified ads. Can also be a euphemism for “heavily used” items.

2) Retro, recently out of style with potential to make a comeback

I describe myself as vintage but was thinking of myself has maturing like a fine wine!  Vintage was originally a word prefixing the year of a bottle of fine wine but has become a word used to describe older items frequently offered for sale. I’m not so sure of applying the euphemism suggested above! But it’s all good fun! Perhaps I’m more retro than vintage?


Craft Group Monday


Hi Guys

I hope that you enjoyed the re logged post from The Renegade Seamstress today! It was good to watchtheYouTube clip and how simple the upcycled hat was!


Today being Monday my village craft group met in our newly refurbished village hall. It is a stunning location and we are lucky to enjoy a great venue for our crafting. What I REALLY enjoy about the group is the diversity of the crafts enjoyed, the knowledge available to tap into and the friendship happily shared. The chatter often gets louder and drowns out the click of needles and the hum of spinning wheels. The tea and coffee flows and all this for £1 a week!

Already I am looking forward to next week!

This Morning’s Television Debut


This is so easy! I’m going to give it a go!

The Renegade Seamstress

Thought you might like to see this morning’s television debut on The Happi House.

My ruggedly handsome husband has suggested pulling my hair back next time. Pretty sure he’s right. 🙂

So. Much. Fun!

Thanks for having me over Happi! I had a blast.

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Not lost just misplaced!


It was soooo cold this morning here in Keswick, Cumbria! Just look at our view when we opened the curtains on Damnvan1. How stunning is that? Enough to gladden even the coldest morning heart.


When we stopped admiring the view Hubs and I walked down the hill into Keswick. Well, I say walked down the hill but as usually Hubs thought it a good idea to short cut along a path. This turned out to be a long cut, through woodland, up a hill and climbing over fallen trees. Anyhow Benji dog enjoyed it. We did make it to Keswick (eventually) and I managed some essential food shopping.

You do think when you walk don’t you? I solve many problems whilst trolling along with Benji dog and or Hubs! Today I decided that my social media skills are rubbish! I decided to buy Mollie Makes Social Media publication. I like Mollie Makes as its young and vibrant with trendy ideas. It can be pretty light weight on the projects but is quite inspirational. I will update you when the book arrives but hopefully you will see an improvement in my social skills.