Monthly Archives: October 2019

Weaving in Namibia


When we were in Swakopmund Namibia we visited a carpet weaving studio It was named Karakulia Weavers They can be found on line at The sheep’s wool is from northern Namibia which is more verdant. The wool is quite thick and course but makes beautiful carpets.

The designs are lovely on both sides, usually of a customers own design and are exported all over the World. The staff had opened especially on a Sunday for us but were delightful and deserved the custom. Sadly I couldn’t buy one as I’m overloaded with luggage any way.

Desert, Dunes and Townships


Today was a day of contrasts. We arrived in Namibia in Walvis Bay . This is situated between the Namib and Khalarari deserts. It appears to be a land of sand dunes, diamonds and Townships. Very much a contrast between the haves and the have nots ( as many countries) I took a tour and visited Dune 7 the largest sand dune in the World.

We moved on to look at a Township. I felt very sad and upset as they stopped the coach to look and I wasn’t sure if we were watching a zoo or those outside were watching us in a zoo!

We ended the tour at an up market beach resort ( what a contrast) I had a very belated breakfast here and finally rang hubs at home. Travel and absence certainly makes the heart grow fonder.

Crafting at Sea


Many people ask me what I do. Well, apart from being very happily retired, I do crafts! Multiple crafts, some old, up-cyclingn, some new and some for fun. This love of crafts has led me to teach my art on board cruise ships! Simply put I am cruising the oceans sharing my love of crafts. I do not profess to being a qualified teacher but what I am good at is creating a group of people bonded by craft projects. I like to think that I inspire people to “have a go”

I cater for around 30 people per project and have to take all materials with me. There’s little opportunity to shop for glue or yarn off the coast of Africa! (Where I am at the moment) This is an onerous task and involves lots of “arguments ” with suit cases.

The really hard work is in the prep. Deciding what projects to offer and how much fabric will be need to be bought. The reward is seeing someone struggle with a project and being delighted with the result.

Crafting as we Cruise towards Namibia


Another busy day crafting at sea as we head across the South Atlantic towards Namibia. Our craft group is packed with people of mixed abilities all working hard on individual projects. They’re also brilliant at helping each other. Interestingly we provide the initial ideas, lots of craft supplies and away we go.

Today “inspiration Textile packs”were the name of the game. As the name suggests we have put together these packs designed to inspire the imagination. I will show you some end results very soon.

Crafting in St Helena


Today our Ship MS Boudicca was moored off the island of St Helena . A small lush island to which Napoleon Bonaparte was exciled in 1815 and ultimately died.

Crafts continue on board and I spied quite a few of our class working away on their silk tie projects and patchwork iPad cases,. whilst sun bathing on deck. I think that we can assume that the classes are a hit!

Craft, Cruise, Stitch


As we continue onwards to St Helena we also continue crafting. Today’s craft was all about stitching. The credit for this project is due to the lovely lady at Kitty and Flo

I made the project into mini kits and took 27 with me. It’s a constant learning curve for me and I’d like to think that I get it right most of the time! One thing that I have learnt is if I make kits I need to include written instructions.

The project was aimed at mixed abilities. We all enjoyed it but as always will need to be completed at the next class.

Cruising South


Yet another day at sea. Not that I’m complaining . Crafts are doing well and today we did felting Lush soap again which is always popular. Ladies continued to quilt their iPad projects and seeing how pleased someone is with their efforts is a delight.Up cycling the Lush pin cushions is a great quick project which is also popular.

Gaelic coffee tops off the day nicely

Crafting Around Ascension Island


Today we should have visited Ascension Island but due to a large sea swell it wasn’t safe enough to land the tender crafts. I believe them! My life is in their hands!

Due to this major inconvenience we were asked to put on an unscheduled craft class. We found our enthusiasm and had a happy, crafty morning. Most guests choice to work on their previous projects which are coming together beautifully. What a talented group they are!


Crafting somewhere South of the Equator


The south Atlantic is HUGE! We have been sailing for days and no sign of land. We all know this but sailing the high seas expresses just what a vast wilderness it is. I suppose that all this water is teaming with ocean life just below us but we haven’t seen any sign of it! To keep the cruising guests busy I have been teaching crafts

Today’s crafts were a Silk Tie project and s wet felting gorgeous bars of luscious soap. The classes are well attended with a group of lovely ladies and one man. We giggle chat and generally have a good time whilst creating and crafting.