Daily Archives: September 28, 2015

Yarndale 2015


imageThis weekend I visited Yarndale in Skipton North Yorkshire.This is an annual  festival of creativity, celebrating all things woolly and wonderful!  We were staying in Grassington not too far away, in our Campervan. It seemed like a good idea to go into Skipton on the bus ( very eco friendly etc!). I spent a LOT of time on Saturday waiting for buses but I had a great time!

When I eventually arrived in Skipton there were vintage buses provided especially for Yarndale. The buses were the old “London style” and dressed in knitted bunting. It’s a long time since I travelled on one of these buses!

imageThe buses were named Jean and Joy and were full of women, ladies, girls and two men. The camaraderie was great, the laughter infectious and the excitement palpable. It was a wonderful way to arrive at the festival. And, they were free! I like free! The inside of the buses was decorated with crocheted Mandalas, already getting us into the theme.


Yarndale was held in Skipton Auction Mart which was beautifully decorated for the occasion. There were more than 6000 crocheted triangles organised into a awesome display of bunting. The triangles were created by the readers of Lucy’s blog at http://www.attic24.typepad.com and they came from over 31 countries.


The individual animal pens within the auction mart were converted into shops, seating areas and provided a knit “n” natter lounge, coffee shop and an Oxfam Bag Crèche.
More news from Yarndale tomorrow!