Tag Archives: Christmas decorations

Paper Wreath


Today’s craft class on board the SAGA Sapphire was a paper Christmas wreath. A nice project which was just challenging enough for someone who doesn’t really like paper crafts!

Quite a busy day on board today with lots going on to choose from. I started with an excercise class with Mr Motivator, Craft class, swim in the indoor pool and some fizz to drink pre dinner.I also managed to fit in a classical concert and a football match on TV! Phew! I need to go home for a rest!

Really Vintage?


imageimageReally Vintage?

My sister and I took our lovely Mum to a local Garden centre for a trip out. Mum lives in a care home so any outing is a good one. We went to Bents Garden Centre as it is always dressed beautifully for Christmas, and we were not disappointed. They had fabulous trees each dressed by different members of staff. My favourite was the one in the picture. The owl was gorgeous.

There were also “rooms” decorated in lush furnishing. I really liked the iconic 70s with the orange paper,guitar and Ercol style furniture. However I must ask the question when does Vintage begin and end? I remember the 70s very well. My first lounge,when newly married, was a replica of this room. But I thought vintage was before then or does it just mean the recent past but closer than “antique”? The plot thickens.

We really had a great trip out with Mum complaining that she had spent no money. Forgetting that the wheel chair was nearly falling over with shopping bags full of purchases. One of the benefits of old elderly memory loss!