Christmas Gift


Christmas Gift

Sunbathing and knitting seems such an odd thing to do in this beautiful hot weather! The wrap for my Mum’s Christmas gift is growing steadily as I click away sitting outside Damnvan1. What a wonderful life. We can stay in bed as long as we like, or until Benji dog gets us up. We can sit on the beach watching Atlantic Rollers come up the beach. We can sit outside beach cafés and drink tea (or coffee) all day and I can craft as much as I wish! The joys of the freedom of the road in retirement.
I remember blogging last year and complaining of the lack of real craft shops so this year I’m not so worried and saving my cash for projects when we ( eventually) go home. There are numerous beach shops and quite a few charity shops in the bigger towns. We have only bought a few DVDs from charity shops as we travel, these we watch in the evening and drop off at the next charity shop we come across. This makes me feel that we are contributing to charity, recycling and enjoying ourselves. A win win.

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